
ऐनकdotes.com, play on the word anecdotes, is my way of sharing with you my understanding and perspectives on topics of interest. For a football lover, a pet parent, a professional and an ordinary guy, aenakdotes will serve as a medium to express an  array of  life experiences, observations and thoughts.

For the uninitiated, ऐनक is a Persian/Urdu word that means spectacles or eyeglasses. Christened by my wife, who is a great support to me in my trying to be a part time blogger, ऐनकdotes is a way of seeing the world through my eyes.

You can reach out to me at aruj.arora92@gmail.com

To connect with me on social media you can reach out to me on following links:

Our dog, Heidi has an Instagram account you can follow her at: